Interioforest Plantscaping Solutions

Benefits of Indoor Plants

Air Quality Improvement

Plants remove carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the air. Since every person in indoor space needs oxygen, live interior plants are a cost-effective way to help improve indoor air quality.Research shows that indoor air is often more polluted than outdoor air and according to NASA, plants can remove up to 87% of indoor air toxins in just 24 hours, thus making the air you breathe much healthier.

Energy Cost Reduction

House plants help to keep cooling and heating costs down by adding humidity to the room. Plants release moisture into the air through the process of transpiration, which is when moisture evaporates from the leaves

Health Improvement

Live plants can lower cases of minor respiratory conditions and headaches caused by indoor air pollution thereby lowering the occurrence of sick days.The human need to connect with nature, known as biophilia, will also reduce fatigue and stress, lessen sick days.

Productivity Improvement

Studies have proved that live plants in office increases productivity. It is estimated that indoor plants increase productivity by 15%. Indoor “Plantscaping” makes your place more enjoyable, comfortable and profitable too., esult in happier team members, increased productivity and improved bottom lines.

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